Closing our eyes,
We travel far;
We travel through our desires,
We travel in our dreams.
A moment of bliss,
A moment of happiness;
Having whatever we ever wanted,
Being able to hold it tight.
Reaching far,
And reaching wide;
We hope to catch it,
To hold it tight.
To hug our dreams,
To bring them to reality;
Just an inch away,
We're always an inch away from it.
Just a snap,
A POOF, its gone;
A dream that was an inch away,
A chance to gain whatever we desired.
So near,
Yet so far;
So close!!!
Yet out of reach.
The more we dream,
The more we reach;
The more we dream,
The more we give up.
But always know that He knows,
He knows our deepest desires;
Never give up,
Remember, you're just an inch away.
Fight on!
Miracles happen,
Miracles exist.
P.U.S.H!! (Pray until something happens)
Miracles happen everyday...
If only we opened our eyes to see them.
Miracles happen everyday...everyday.
Note: A random poem that I just felt like writing... Just talks about how many times in our lives, we often feel that we can't achieve something, we can't do something... Just when you are about to reach your destination in life,
everything takes a downhill road. A speedy downhill road sometimes.
This is what you would probably think.."Its no point, I'll never reach my dream." "too far fetched.. I bet everyone with this dream gave up too"..." I can't do this anymore.. I can't stand it"...
STOP!! STOP!!! It is only when you think like this that your dreams shatter and break... Who says it is impossible? your friends?? your bosses?? people around you?? Who are they to determine if you reach your dream or not!
God will never short change you! He gave you that dream! And He will make sure that you achieve something.. either your dream.. or a lesson you learnt whilst chasing it... So close, yet so is never the end~~ NEVER!
(This note is taken from the one I did on my Facebook account~)
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