Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why do lizards drop their tail??? WHY??!!! IT IS GROSSSS!!!!

I live in a house which is well, also a nest for lizards. Don't get the wrong idea!!! What I mean is that my house has a few lizards ( maybe 5 or 6... or 10? Not sure if this includes the garden species...OH WELL ^^ ) They don't really do any harm or bother my family members and I but once in a while, we tend to find a lizard at the kitchen sink... 

Disgusting or not is not the matter, just that, you will never know when they are in there. You just walk to the sink and *JUMP* the lizard "flies" out of the sink in shock that it has been discovered. And this is followed by the natural scenario which is *AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!* from the one that discovered it. Can't help it if it is human natural respond to shock...or is it just mine?? 

You can pretty guess where i am heading to... YES!! I can proudly say I found 1 in my kitchen sink today.... or actually my mum did...It was a baby lizard...still very very young. The skin is partially translucent making it even more...gross?? Though it didn't bother me. Problem was that lizards are not very smart reptiles... 

This baby lizard, being young, was very adventurous and decided to take a hike in my kitchen... It found a spoon in this giant metal hole that looked interesting. Being stubborn, it did not listen to it's mother's advice to avoid the giant metal hole. And it DOVE IN!! WHEEEEE~~ After investigating the spoon for a little while.. it decided, " it is nothing special..should just go somewhere else......................................................."...... Problem was... "HOW TO GET OUTTTTT?????!!!!!" shouted the poor little lizard...

YES... It was not big nor strong enough to jump OUT of the metal hole *aka the sink*... it tried and tried but failed.... I took a stick and tried chasing it out but it failed.... The lizard was in such stress that he ( or she) tried to scare me off by... DROPPING IT"S WRIGGLY TAIL!!!!!

So why do their drop their tail?
1. To scare their predator. 
2. To keep their predator occupied while it runs off.
* Yes I was occupied being disgusted by it but again... there was no where for it to run.. so what is the point...*

Animals are such strange creatures... guess that is how they survive out there in the wild.. imagine dropping a hand or something to escape thieves or bad people...ewwwwwww...
In the end, my brave dad got it out of the sink and that ends the story of " the little lizard and it's adventure in the giant metal hole"...

The End

Monday, October 11, 2010

Dail 999!!!

When running a marathon, we...
Pant, pant, run, run, pant, pant, run, run;
When we work, we...
Work, work, stress, stress, work, work, stress, stress.

All we're doing is all wrong,
No wonder we always sing a sad song;
We always over do all things,
"Doing this is right," we think.

Chill, chill, do not rush,
It is not the end you know.
Sprint, jog, sprint, jog,
Work, rest, work, rest.

And at the end, push with all that's left,
Do not look right, nor left,
Focus on the goal,
To satisfy your soul.

Do this and you'll be at the top,
In 1 piece,
1 breath,
BUT with 1000 SMILES!!
~ Su Mei

A simple poem I wrote about 2 years ago. I was probably stressed out and was finding a way to encourage myself to go on. It is basically about how we as humans always tend to stress out!! *Admit it...you do don't you???* 

But don't you notice that the product of work that is done while we are stressed out is always a stressed product... Quantity, may be you might have gotten it *clap clap clap*... QUALITY... NO WAY! If you are stressed out while doing something, quality of your product drops at a minimum of 110%!! SO CHILL!! Relax and take a deep breath... Stress is good but we tend to take an over-dosage of it which is obviously not good for our health ^^~~ Our product quality drops and before you know it, you will be the one that drops onto the floor *CALL 999!!!* ^^ 


D@iLy AdViSe : HOOOORAY!! Monday is gone, 4 more days to the weekend... But sadly, time doesn't move as fast as you want it to? Fun makes time go faster naturally so try to put some fun into your work... If you can't...DRAG A FRIEND... After all a friend in need is a friend in deed... ~~~

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Addictive Chocolate Eclairs~

This is one of the recipes I did in my pastry class and it turned out quite nice. Had some praises from several chefs. A simple and quick recipe. There are many variations to the fillings and the whole thing actually ^^ Along the way, always taste your product. Does it need more sugar? More salt? Everyone has their own taste preference and if you taste what you make and 'tweek' the recipe to go with your taste, you can never go wrong!! Enjoy making and EATING the Addictive Chocolate Eclairs~
1. Combine water, unsalted butter, salt and sugar to rapid boil. (Use medium fire)
2. Add strong flour ( a little at a time ), ensure continuous stirring until a paste forms.
3. Remove from heat, and let to cool till 60˚C (140 ˚F).
4. Beat eggs (use mixer) a little at a time. (Note: Too much at a time can cause product to be too wet)
5. Product should be smooth and moist.
6. Fill piping bag and pipe roughly 3cm think an 8cm long on baking tray. (Use round nozzle with diameter 1-1.5cm)
7. Bake for 10 minutes at 215˚C.
8. Decrease to 190˚C and bake till slightly browned.
9. Remove from oven and leave to cool.

Creme Pattissiere (Filling)
Product ~> Soften with whisk and gradually add same amount of whip cream.
Overall Product
1. Slice eclairs to form a book opening ( like how you would open a book).
2. Fill pipping bag with creme pattissiere and pipe into the opening.
3. Ensure filling does not overflow.
4. Melt semi-sweet chocolate (use bane-marie/ water bath). (Note: Chocolate sauce can also be used. Leave a comment if you would like the recipe for chocolate sauce)
5. Dip the top part of the eclair in the chocolate.
6. Chill and serve cold.

Sugar-ry Sweetness???

Roses are red,
Violets are blue;
Sugar is sweet,
As sweet as D@iLy Do!nG$!!

Hi to everyone out there in this bittersweet world! Thanks for taking sometime off from your daily routines to read what I have to say in this D@iLy Do!nG$ blog that I have recently created. My name is Mei and I am just your average teenage girl. This blog is created for anyone and everyone who would like to take some time off from the chaos of the world, to just sit back, relax and read about daily observations, must try recipes, music,books and movie reviews and so many other things.

Personally, I confess that I am a very long winded writer. I simply do not know when to stop writing ( now is a really good example ). So this blog will be also a project for me to learn how to keep things short but again in a SWEET AND SIMPLE form. 

All comments,reviews and suggestions are welcomed gratefully!


Advise of the Day ~> Monday is approaching, so is the blues... Think positive, think bright, think with a smile and your day may just be painted with a little more colour. Make every second a memory to remember, for time can only go forward... and never backwards... LIVE WITH NO REGRETS!!!